Corrections Policy

At Agriculture in Africa Media LBG, we understand the importance of accuracy and transparency in journalism. If we make an error or receive new information that changes our understanding of a subject, we are committed to rectifying it promptly and transparently.
We invite our readers to contact us via email ( if they notice any errors or wish to dispute the material presented. We will review all correspondence and take appropriate action, but we may not be able to reply to every email noting minor issues or disputing our findings without supporting evidence.
Our fact-checking department aims to provide accurate, unbiased news reporting at all times. In the event that we make an error, we have a clear policy for how we handle corrections, refiling, and updates.
If a fact check contains a substantive, factual error, we will issue a correction. We will place an advisory line at the top of the article to explain what is being corrected, and we will make the correction in the body of the article. If necessary, we will also reflect the correction in the headline and verdict of the check. The corrected fact check will appear at the top of the fact check home page.
If a fact check contains a minor error, such as a misspelling, that does not affect the understanding of the article, we will issue a refile. We will place an advisory at the top of the article to explain what has been corrected, and we will make the correction in the body of the article.
If we receive additional information that provides further context or explanation of the subject discussed in the fact check, we will issue an update. We will place an advisory line at the top of the article to explain what has been added, and the updated check will appear at the top of the fact check homepage.
At Agriculture in Africa Media LBG, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate and reliable news reporting, and we take our responsibility to correct errors seriously.